প্রকাশের তারিখ
Tender Notice No: 01/2024-25 (Tender Method- NCT/LTM) | 18-12-2024 | Download |
বিসিক এর ২০২৫ খ্রিষ্টাব্দের বার্ষিক ক্যালেন্ডার মুদ্রনের জন্য কোটেশন প্রদানের অনুরোধ | 17-12-2024 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Selection of firms for Feasibility Study for Lot-1: BSCIC Motijheel Multipurpose Complex, Dhaka; Lot-2: BSCIC Bhaban Khulna | 20-10-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of Roads, bridge and others, BSCIC Chemical industrial Park, Munshiganj (2nd revised) | 29-09-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Construction Drain Gate, Guard Shade and others | 23-06-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of Buildings | 23-06-2024 | Download |
E-Tender notice: EGP-04/24 | 20-05-2024 | Download |
Repair of CCTV & accessories at BSCIC Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka" and "Repair of Street Light & accessories at BSCIC Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka | 15-05-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Land development | 13-03-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Water Supply Line of Development of Undevelopment area and Repairing, Reconstruction of Developed Area of BSCIC IE, Barishal | 14-02-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of Lake & River Side Protection | 01-01-2024 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of Lake/Reservoir & Others | 31-12-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of buildings, BSCIC Chemical Industrial Park, Munshiganj | 31-12-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of building | 28-12-2023 | Download |
Construction of Building and other structures (Cox's Bazar) | 24-12-2023 | Download |
Procurement of Stationery | 13-12-2023 | Download |
'বিসিক শিল্প পার্ক, সিরাজগঞ্জ (৩য় সংশোধিত)' শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের রাস্তা নির্মাণ কাজের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 13-12-2023 | Download |
'বিসিক শিল্প পার্ক, সিরাজগঞ্জ (৩য় সংশোধিত)' শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের বাউন্ডারী ওয়াল নির্মাণ কাজের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 13-12-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Purchase of Computer , ICT Equipments and other Related items for Sheikh Russel ICT lab and Computer Other Related Equipment | 06-12-2023 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Selection of a firm for Short listing of local firm for Detail estimate, Design and Supervision | 04-12-2023 | Download |
e-Tender notice no: 02/2023-24 Memo no: | 28-11-2023 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for developing "Enterprise Resourcee Planning (ERP) Software. | 28-11-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of building and other Structures (Bogura) | 13-11-2023 | Download |
বিসিক কর্তৃক প্রস্তাবিত ‘বিসিক আগ্রাবাদ মাল্টিপারপাস কমপ্লেক্স, চট্টগ্রাম’ এবং ‘বিসিক নলগোলা মাল্টিপারপাস কমপ্লেক্স/ আইটি ভবন, ঢাকা’ শীর্ষক প্রকল্পসমূহের পূর্ণাঙ্গ সম্ভাব্যতা সমীক্ষা সম্পাদনের লক্ষ্যে প্রকাশিত EOI এবং কার্যপরিধি (ToR) | 31-10-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Repair of Road at BSCIC I/E, Jashore, Repair of Drain at BSCIC I/E, Jashore, Repair of Office Building of BSCIC Training Institute, Partial Refitment of Chairman’s Section on Level-2 at BSCIC Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka. | 15-10-2023 | Download |
E-tender for Construction of Building and other structures (Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Narsingdi) | 14-09-2023 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest for Selection of firms for i) Feasibility Study for BSCIC Foundry, Automobile and Engineering Industrial Park, Jessore, ii) Feasibility Study for BSCIC Northern Agricultural Products Processing Industrial Park, Bogura and iii) Feasibility Study for BSCIC Industrial Park, Narail | 04-09-2023 | Download |
Land Development e-Tender notice-01/2023-24 | 30-08-2023 | Download |
'বিসিক শিল্প পার্ক, সিরাজগঞ্জ (৩য় সংশোধিত)' শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের আরসিসি ড্রেন ও কালভার্ট নির্মাণ কাজের পুন:দরপত্র | 26-06-2023 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest (Eol) for Selection of Chartered Accountants firm for Auditing of Financial Statements of BSCIC for financial year 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26. | 21-06-2023 | Download |
Request for Expression of Interest (Eol) for Selection of Architectural design and drawing consultant (Contract Package No: Service-3.1) and Structural, electrical and plumbing design and drawing consultant | 12-06-2023 | Download |
Tender Notice of 8 Industrial Estate Project No: 254 | 12-06-2023 | Download |
Revised Annual Procurement Plan 2022-23 | 31-05-2023 | Download |
Land Development (additional) of BSCIC Chemical Industrial Park, Munshiganj (2nd Revised) | 10-05-2023 | Download |
Invitation for Quotation (RFQ) | 03-04-2023 | Download |
Tender invitation dtiewtpcl 09032023 | 22-03-2023 | Download |
e-Tender notice no: 01/2022-2023 Memo no: 776/2022 | 06-03-2023 | Download |
e-Tender notice of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Rawjan No. 01/2023 | 11-01-2023 | Download |
e- Tender Notice No - 01/2023 | 05-01-2023 | Download |
ঠিকাদার প্রতিষ্ঠান নির্বাচনের জন্য পুন:লটারি অনুষ্ঠানের বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 03-01-2023 | Download |
নিলাম বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 29-12-2022 | Download |
Invitation for Quotation (RFQ) | 25-10-2022 | Download |
e-Tender notice No-02/2021-22 Memo no.: | 25-10-2022 | Download |
ঠিকাদার নির্বাচনের লটারি অনুষ্ঠানের বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 25-07-2022 | Download |
e-Tender for Construction of boundary wall & tin-shed Building at Nolgola | 07-07-2022 | Download |
e- Tender Notice No - 01/2021-2022 | 09-06-2022 | Download |
Invitation for Tenders (National), DTIEWTPCL | 08-06-2022 | Download |
RFQ for the appointment of C&F agent at Benapole Land Port to clear and forward imported Pottasium iodate and deliver it to BSCIC Warehouses. | 05-06-2022 | Download |
Invitations for Tenders (IFT)_01/2021-22 | 29-03-2022 | Tender Notice |
Installation of water Supply Line, Re-tender notice No: 06/2021 | 23-03-2022 | Tender Notice |
Invitation for Tenders (National) | 20-03-2022 | Tender Notice |
বিসিক শিল্পনগরী, ভৈরব (২য় সংশোধিত) প্রকল্পের গাড়ি ভাড়ার বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 03-01-2022 | Download |
Procurement of furniture | 27-12-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Procurement of furniture, Tender Notice No: 05/2021 | 24-12-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Potassium Iodate (KIO3) Purchase | 21-12-2021 | e Tender Notice |
Construction of Office Building, tender Notice no: 03/2021 | 20-12-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Installation of water supply line, Construction of main gate, Construction of dumping yard, Tender Notice No: 03/2021 | 15-12-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Boundary Wall, Corrigendum Notice No: 02 | 29-11-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Palisading works for pond, Construction of RCC drain, Construction of Bituminous Carpeting Road, Tender Notice No: 02/2021 | 26-11-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Land Development by Earth/Sand Filing of BSCIC Plastis Industrial Estate | 01-11-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
EOI for Appointment of Chartered Accountant firm for Consultancy | 27-10-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Procurement of official uniform for staff of 16-20 grade of BSCIC | 31-10-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Road and other works, Pump driver Quarter & Pump house, Deep Tube-well, Water Supply line, RCC drain and other works for BSCIC industrial Estate Rawjan | 31-10-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Pump driver Quarter & Pump house, Office building and Boundary wall for BSCIC Industrial Estate, Bhairab | 31-10-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Pump Driver Quarter and Pump House, Construction of Office Building, Construction of Boundary wall _ Tenter Notice No: 01/2021 | 25-10-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Installation of Solar Panel at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 14-10-20221 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Main Gate at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 01-08-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for purchase of different types of original tonner cartridge | 14-06-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Procurement of Furniture of eight Industrial estate, BSCIC | 10-06-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of 6 Soried ( with 8 Storied Foundation) for BSCIC Regional Office , Mymensingh | 27-05-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of RCC Retaining Wall for BSCIC Industrial Estate , Rawjan | 27-05-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of bituminous carpeting road | 22-04-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of pump driver quarter pump house and other works | 19-04-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Water Supply Line at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 19-04-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Boundary wall (Remaining portion) for BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj (3rd Revised) | 13-04-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of RCC Retaining Wall for BSCIC Industrial Estate, Rawjan (1st Revised) | 01-04-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Re-Tender for Construction of Pump driver quarter, Pump house and other works and Installation of Water supply line for BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajgonj ( 3rd Revised) | 31-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for construction of Workstation and furniture for BSCIC, Tejgaon (1st Revised) | 24-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-tender for Construction of Retaining wall of BSCIC Industrial Estate Chuadanga | 22-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Road for Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 21-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Drain and Culvert of 08 (eight) Industrial Estate of BSCIC | 09-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Drain and Culvert at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 03-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Dumping Yard at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 03-03-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for selection of a firm for "BSCIC Online Market" | 28-02-2021 | EOI Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Office Building of BSCIC Industrial Estate Rawjan (1st Revised) | 25-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Boundary wall of I/E | 22-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
RFP ( Request for Proposal) পদ্ধতিতে জনবলের সেবা ক্রয়ের সংশোধিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 18-02-2021 | Correction |
e-Tender for Construction of Pump Driver Quarter for Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi | 18-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
RFP (Request for Proposal) পদ্ধতিতে জনবলের সেবা ক্রয়ের বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 11-02-2021 | RFP circular |
e-Tender Notice of Rajshahi BSCIC IE-2 Project | 09-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: 01/2020-21, Memo No: | 08-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Retaining Wall, Construction of Pump Driver Quarter, Installation of water Pipe line and Construction of Office building in BSCIC Industrial Estate, Chuadanga (2nd Revised) |
07-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of dumping yard and other works & Construction of pump driver quarter, Pump house and other works in BSCIC Industrial Park Sirajganj (3rd Revised) | 04-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Installation of Water Supply Line & Installation of Deep Tubewell in BSCIC Industrial Park Sirajganj (3rd Revised) | 02-02-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Drain and Culvert of 8 (Eight) Industrial Estates of BSCIC | 28-01-2021 | e-Tender-Notice |
e-Tender for BSCIC Industrial Estate, Rawjan (1st Revised), e-Tender notice no : 02/2021 | 26-01-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for BSCIC Industrial Estate, Rawjan (1st Revised), e-Tender notice No : 01/2020 | 21-01-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
IT Support Service [One Stop Service(OSS) System Development & it's customization, Operation and Maintenance of OSS Centre | 21-01-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Well Observation & Water test and Soil test, BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj | 21-01-2021 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Office Building at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi ( 535384) | 07-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Installation and Commissioning of Electric Source Line at Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka | 14-12-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for construction of Boundary Wall and Gard Shade at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi Project | 17-11-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for well Observation & Water test and Soil test of BSCIC Industrial Park Sirajganj | 10-11-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of Office Building and other works of BSCIC Industrial Park at Sirajganj | 29-10-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender for Construction of internal drain of BSCIC Industrial park at Sirajganj |
29-10-2020 |
e Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice: 04/2019-20, Memo No: | 28-10-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
'বিসিক ৮ শিল্প নগরী মেরামত ও পুনর্নিমাণ' প্রকল্পে জনবল সরবরাহের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি | 16-09-2020 | e-Tender NOTICE |
Palisading Works of Pond at Extension of BSCIC IE. Narsingdi Project | 16-09-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Palisading Works of Pond at Extension of BSCIC IE. Narsingdi Project | 16-08-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Short Listing of Local Firms For Design and Supervision | 08-03-2020 | e-tender Notice |
BSCIC Chemical Industrial Park, Munshiganj | 27-07-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Repair of Water line at BSCIC I/E Khulna. Re-construction of Road and rcc drain at BSCIC I/EKonabari, Gazipur. Re-Construction of Aproch roadand drain at BSCIC I/E Tangail. Re-Construction of drain at BSCIC I/E Dinajpur. Re-Construction of Road and rcc drain-Culvert at BSCIC I/E Bagerhat. Re-Construction of Road and drain-Culvert at BSCIC I/E Bhola. Construction of boundary wall at BSCIC I/E Tangail. Construction of boundary wall at BSCIC I/E Netrokona. Construction of boundary wall with partial barbed wire fencing at Administrative building of ISC BSCIC Rangamati. Construction of boundary wall with gate at Baskhali salt centre under salt industry development office BSCIC Coxs Bazar. Construction of boundary wall of office building at BSCIC I/ENatore. Construction/Extension of Admin building of BSCIC I/ESirajganj. |
14-07-2020 | e-tender Notice |
Construction of lake/reservoir and other works of BSCIC industrial park at Sirajganj | 09-07-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Road of BSCIC industrial park at Sirajgonj |
02-07-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
EOI on Consulting firm for design and supervision of Construction and Relevant Works of BSCIC Industrial Park, Sirajganj (3rd Revised) Project at SirajganjSadar,Sirajganj. | 21-06-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Boundary wall of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial estate -2 Project & Palisading works of Pond of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial estate -2 Project. |
21-05-2020 | e -Tender Notice |
বাংলাদেশ ক্ষুদ্র ও কুটির শিল্প করপোরেশন (বিসিক), শিবপুর, নরসিংদী শিল্পনগরীর স্থাপত্য ও অবকাঠামো নকশা প্রণয়ন এবং পূর্ত কাজের প্রাক্কলন প্রস্তুতকরণ ও পূর্ত কাজ তত্ত্বাবধায়নের লক্ষ্যে ‘একজন পরামর্শক’ এর সেবা ক্রয়ের জন্য EOI/ আগ্রহব্যক্তকরণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি। |
20-05-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Palisading Works of Ponds at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi Project | 20-05-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Boundary wall of BSCIC Industrial Park at Sirajgonj | 17-05-2020 | |
Land development of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial state -2 Project. (ID--456085) | 29-04-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
শিল্প নগরীর স্থাপত্য ও অবকাঠামো ডিজাইন প্রণয়ন এবং পূর্ত কাজের প্রাক্কলন প্রস্তুতকরণ ও পূর্ত কাজ তত্ত্বাবধানের লক্ষ্যে ‘একজন পরামর্শক’ এর সেবা ক্রয়ের জন্য আগ্রহব্যক্তকরণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি |
29-04-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of Dumping yard at Plot No-SR-02 in Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka | 24-03-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Supplying and installing Electric Flow meters and accessories in Tannery Industrial EstateDhaka. No.436355 | 08-03-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Remaining past of fire fighting Arrangement No: 427069 | 25-02-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Corrigendum Notice of Tender Package No: 41704509-02-2020 | 09-02-2020 | e- Tender Notice |
Supplying and installing Electric Generator and Sub Station in Tannery Industrial Estate | 09-02-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Construction of office building of BSCIC electrical goods manufacturing and light engineering industrial estate | 04-02-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Repair & Re-Construction of internal Road (417025) Supplying and Installiing of Administrative building (417045)in Tannery Industrial Estate Dhaka | 26-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Inviation from The BSCIC enlisted contractor of renewal year 2019-20 in the national e-GP system portal | 21-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Installation of Close Circuit Camera to Secure the Industrial Estate at Tannery Industrial Estate 405933 Corrigendum Notice | 14-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: API/01/2019-20 for the construction of main out-let drain cum embankment road at API park, BSCIC, Gazaria, Munshigonj | 08-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: BSCIC/Logistic/36.02.0000.005.07.417.19 for Purchase of Computer and other related equipments. | 06-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
Installation of Close Circuit Camera to Secure the Industrial Estate at Tannery Industrial Estate (405933) | 01-01-2020 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: 03/TIED/2019-20 Installation of Street light at Tannery Industrial Estate, Dhaka | 19-12-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: Madaripur-02/2019-2020 for civil works of Madaripur BSCIC Industrial Estate Extension Project | 19-12-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender notice No: Borguna/02/2019-20 for civil works of BSCIC Industrial Estate,Borguna. | 01-12-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
Corrigendum Notice No: 2 of e-Tender Notice for Construction of Dumping Yard at Tannery Industrial Estate, BSCIC, Dhaka | 27-11-2019 | Corrigendum |
e-Tender notice No : Chuadanga/02/2019-20 for civil works, BSCIC Industrial Estate,Chuadanga | 24-11-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
Corrigendum of e-Tender Notice for Construction of Dumping Yard at Tannery Industrial Estate, BSCIC, Dhaka | 21-11-2019 | e-Tender Notine |
e-Tender notice No : Madaripur-02/2019-2020 | 12-11-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
Extension of Gopalgonj BSCIC Industrial Estate | 04-11-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender inviting for Construction of Dumping Yard at Tannery Estate, BSCIC, Dhaka | 31-10-2019 | e-tender Notice |
e-Tender inviting for drain, culvert, carpeting of roads and Boundary wall works under BSCIC Industriall Estate, BSCIC, Borguna | 29-10-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender inviting for 34 civil works under BSCIC's differrent Industrial Estates, Skill Development center and offices. | 15-10-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
e-Tender inviting for water supply line and electric line under Dhamrai BSCIC Industrial Estate (extn.) Gopalgonj BSCIC Industrial Estates | 03-10-2019 | e-Tender Notice |
আউটসোর্সিং পদ্ধতিতে জনবল সরবরাহের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি স্মারক নং: ৪১ |
03-10-2019 |
আউটসোর্সিং পদ্ধতিতে জনবল সরবরাহের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি স্মারক নং: ৪৩ |
03-10-2019 |
ভাড়ায় মাইক্রোবাস সরবরাহের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি স্মারক নং: ৪২ |
03-10-2019 |
Construction works for BSCIC Tannery Estate,Dhaka |
02-10-2019 |
Reconstruction and Modernization of 4 Skill Developement Centers of BSCIC |
29-9-2019 |
LAND DEVELOPMENT at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi Project |
19-9-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for supplying, installation & Operation of Machine Shop and weilding related training machinaries with acceosories for SDC Cumilla, Narsingdi, Pabna & Gopalgonj |
18-9-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for works under Gopalgonj BSCIC Industrial Estates (3rd Revised) |
05-08-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for works under different Industrial Estates of BSCIC |
14-07-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for works under different Industrial Estates and Rangamati CRIDP of BSCIC |
01-07-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for land development at Extension of BSCIC Industrial Estate, Narsingdi project |
13-06-2019 |
Re-eTender notice inviting BSCIC for purchase of computer and other related equipments. |
11-06-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for land development in BSCIC Industrial Estate, Rawjan |
12-05-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for land development in Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Estate-2. |
12-05-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for construction of Training Cum Production center Two Storied Building With Over Head water Tank in Development of Satranchi Shilpa, Rangpur |
12-05-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for Purchase of Computer and Related Equipment for BSCIC |
30-04-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for construction of boundary wall, Main Gate, and palisading works of BSCIC's Industrial Estate, Barisal. |
18-04-2019 |
Amendment/Corrigendum of tender No: Sreemongal/01/2018-19, Tender ID-300136 |
18-04-2019 |
Amendment/Corrigendum of tender No: Dhamrai/01/2018-19, Tender ID-300039 |
18-04-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for construction, reconstruction, repainig, reinstallation works of BSCIC's different Industrial Estates. |
03-04-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for construction of godown and other repairing, reconstruction and re-installation works under different BSCIC offices. |
03-04-2019 |
e-Tender for Extension of Dhamrai BSCIC Industrial Estate (1st Revised) |
28-03-2019 |
e-Tender inviting for construction of electric sub-station with accessories and related works at BSCIC Industrial Estate, Sreemongal (2nd Revis.) |
27-03-2019 |
e-Tender for land development at Extension of Gopalganj BSCIC Industrial Estate (3rd revised) |
19-03-2019 |
e-Tender for land development at Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Estate-2. |
20-03-2019 |
e-Tender for civil works of BSCIC Industrial Estate Extension Project, Madaripur . |
11-03-2019 |
e-Tender for Construction of Dumping Yard at BSCIC Industrial Estate, Jhalokati |
02-03-2019 |
e-Tender for Construction of RCC Drainage & Others, Construction of Box Culvert & Cross Drain of Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Estate-2 Project | 12-10-2020 | e-Tender Notice |